Catholic marrying a divorced : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread |
I am a mexican catholic married by the justice of the pice in the US to a man who was previously married under the Episcopal church and he has tree kinds from his previous marriage.We now want to get married in Mexico under the Catholic church. Does he has to ask to the Episcopal Church for his annulment of his previous marriage or can de church accept a state divorce?
We live in the US but I want the ceremony to be in Mexico where my family and friends are. What to I have to do, so the father in Mexico can do the ceremony and us doing the marriage preparation here in the US?
-- MIA (, February 16, 2005
He has to petition for annulment through the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church isn't interested in whether some other church thinks he was or is validly married, but only whether he was validly married in terms of Catholic teaching. The Church does not accept a state divorce, but requires one before annulment procedings can begin.
-- Paul M. (, February 16, 2005.