Non-Practicing Catholics Marrying in the Catholic Church : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I have been reading seveal posting from individuals who are self-proclaimed "Non-Practicing Catholics" who ask questions about getting married in the Catholic Church.

My question is this: "WHAT'S THE POINT?"

If you are not pacticing and following the teachings of the Church, then why go through all the heart-ache of pre-canna, trying to find out about anulments, what the requirements are, etc... Why put yourself through all that? Why not just go to City Hall?

-- Davis (, March 03, 2005


"I do." Bump

-- Davis (, March 03, 2005.

Because, Davis, their consciences are bothering them. The Holy Spirit is at work. They are better off unwittingly coming here to let us further them on the "reversion" track than to "just go to City Hall."

-- (Mountain@Gate.Lover), March 03, 2005.

"They are better off unwittingly coming here to let us further them on the "reversion" track"


-- Fr. Paul (, March 03, 2005.

It's only natural that when such a big event as marriage is to occur in a person's life, that they start to think of the big questions - what is the purpose of life etc, and they naturally think of returning to the Church, even though they may have not practised their faith for years.

-- Steve (, March 03, 2005.

Fr. Paul, As a priest, what is your obligation when you KNOW the individual has no intention of following the teachings of the Church? Dosen't that make a mockery of the Sacrement?

-- Davis (, March 04, 2005.

Steve, Your posting is very good, but if a person is a non-practicing Catholic and has not intention to begin following the Teachings of the church, then why bother?

one poster wrote: "I have not been practicing for quite a long time and I don't have any plans to start again any time soon."

Isn't this person just "WASTING" the churches valuable time?

If the indivual is truly searching for the truth, then by all means, come on in and receive the Blessings of the Church.

-- Davis (, March 04, 2005.

They are better off unwittingly coming here to let us further them on the "reversion" track


Yes, "unwittingly." Davis has asked about "non-practicing Catholics" who come here to ask questions about Catholic marriage. My impression was that he was speaking of people have no intention of returning to the practice of the faith, but are just "cultural Catholics" who'd like to have a "church wedding." Such people sometimes come here "unwittingly," not realizing that good folks here are going to give them "more than they bargained for," such as challenging them to become good Catholics.

If my impression of Davis's intent was wrong, I am sorry.

-- (Mountain@Gate.Lover), March 04, 2005.

you got the jist of the question.

-- Davis (, March 07, 2005.

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