Old('70's) Brass steam- how to wire

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I have a number of HO brass loco's, some cans, some open frame. What problems will I run into wiring for dcc.

-- Chris Dante (m1919@cshore.com), September 13, 1999



Biggest problem will be issolating the motor. You'll have to be sure and unconnect the grounded brush from the frame. Next in line is that the older units all had right rail only at the engine and left rail power in the tender. This will cause some extra wiring to and from the tender to engine connection. Best means of wiring for DCC would also include some wippers and extra wiring to make for more all wheel pickup - a real pain - but worth the effort. Be sure and stall test the motor for sizing the decoder - the open frames will be pretty hefty in the amperage department. Finding a location for the decoder, getting all the wires run, and providing for some extra power pickup can be a challenge in older brass locomotives.

-- Ed McCamey (emccamey@cheerful.com), September 14, 1999.

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