DCC instructions in English

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I am new to DCC! I am also electronically illiterate. Does anyone publish DCC instructions in English. I am attempting to set up a Digitrax Chief set for my N Scale layout.

-- Fred Vealey (fvealey@netrax.net), January 05, 2000


It can be confusing, but is not really that complicated. Like setting the clock in your VCR :) Your best bet is to find a local club or hobby shop or NMRA chapter and ask some one to give you a hand. Or ask a friend who is knowledgable about electronics to help. Let them install a decoder while you watch and help you set up the DCC controller, etc. A one on one demonstration is the fastest way to learn.

-- Don Vollrath (dvollrath@magnetek.com), January 06, 2000.

I just installed my first 3 decoders today, i went to the hobbyshop and watched a man put one in. it didnt look very hard so i came home and put the digitrax dh120 in 3 of my locos. its not hard and there easy to program...!!! try it youll like it :) Joe

-- joe gossett (videoman@busprod.com), January 23, 2000.

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