Possible coaching termination due to pregnancy.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Law Of The Workplace : One Thread |
I am a teacher and my athletic director has made numerous comments on my "capabilities" for the upcoming basketball season because I am pregnant. He has also made many comments on how "if he could have it his way, he would replace me." Is this legal? Not only is it legal - is it slander of my name that he is even talking about it with other employees and parents?Thanks
-- Kelly Martin (xbballaz@earthlink.net), September 04, 2002
If the other teacher is stating a fact, then you do not have a case...otherwise an opinion is just that, an opinion and there is nothing you can do about it.
-- Jennifer (none@none.com), January 13, 2005.
If the other teacher is stating a fact, then you have a case...otherwise an opinion is just that, an opinion and there is nothing you can do about it. Also note, if the other teacher is stating fact's about you (which in this case he is not) then you will not have a case.
-- Jennifer (none@none.com), January 13, 2005.