Decoder won't take : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread |
I'm in the midst of converting to DCC from DC using Atlas Commander (small layout). Did 3 loco's with no problem, using TTX (NCE) decoders for my P2K GP's, and an NCE decoder for a P2K SW9. Installed another GP-7 decoder, appears to work just fine, but I can't change the address from the default 03. Runs very nicely with that address, but that isn't the address I want. The other loco's all took their address change with no problem.Any ideas??
-- Ben Sevier (, November 03, 2003
Hi, I have had the same problem with a Lenz Compact (same as a Atlas Commander ), though this was with a lenz 1014 decoder in a Roco loco. This is not a fix but a way around the problem. I found that disconnecting the lights enabled me to program the loco.Its the only loco I have encounterd this problem.I removed everything from the circuit board of the loco except the motor and lights, so I can only put it down to an impedance mismatch between the motor and lights, and low voltage of the programming track. Hope this helps. Regards Tom (Adelaide, South Australia) voltage
-- Tom Hobson (, May 11, 2004.