greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

After 15 years of being out of G scale railroading, I'm getting back into it. I've purchased the LGB MTS starter set and many additional components. However, I find it to be very confusing as LGB mixes analog instructions with digital instructions. I can finally sort out which is which most of the time. MY question is, does anyone know of English instructions for the LGB MTS system that are not mixed with analog instructions. For example, I bought the "Explore LGB Guide Book" and it has several layouts for a reverse loop and then hidden in all the examples it says only this example will work for MTS. Also, I bought LGB reverse loop track sections to use in my reverse loops and then find they will mot work with MTS.

I'm not an electronic whiz and I need help.


-- Ron Berryhill (Ron@Berryhill.Org), November 14, 2003



Are you still having issues with MTS? I have been using it for several years now. Vist my web page www.gardenrr.no-ip.com and leave a question on the deambook.

-Casey Jones

-- Casey Jones (gardenrailway@verizon.net), June 02, 2004.

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