Whistleblowing or Harassasment?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Law Of The Workplace : One Thread |
I am a licensed real estate agent and work as a real estate assistant to an executive of a large real estate brokerage house. Over the past year I have complained to him of his voilations of state and federal labor codes which he has, almost one year later, retified. Unbeknowst to me I was given a pay check which was not signed-it was returned I demanded reimbursement for bank fees. He refused I have refused to illegally sign my payroll checks, which I done in the past, per his direction, and reported him to his supervisor. The very next day I received a disciplinary letter for poor performance with a threat of immediate termination. Is this legal?
-- Meira Lavanah Judah (lavanahjudah@hotmail.com), November 24, 2003