DCC for Bachman GS-4 Daylight

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I have been searching the web for information about how to convert a bachman GS-4 daylight to DCC. I saw your listing in the forum from 2001 but it did not quite get at all my questions. I took the shell off and am perplexed with how to isolate the motor in this split frame design. I can even tell where the leads to the motor are. Same with the light which seems to be sandwiched in the split frame (not sure I can isolate it. I have a digitrax dh123 decoder and would very much like to contol the smoke and light.

Thanks for your help


-- Jim Schwalen (trainman280@excite.com), November 26, 2003


Here is my installation notes on it:


I do recall that this locomotive was a bit challenging. It isn't so bad once you know all the tricks. Hopefully, everything you need to know is here. It's been a number of years since I did my GS-4, I don't remember anything else about it to help you.

BTW: Happy Thanksgivng to everyone who helps make this forum possible!

-- Allan Gartner (wire4dcc_admin@comcast.net), November 26, 2003.

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