DCC for Bachmann 0-6-0

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread


I recently received a Bachmann 0-6-0 with slope tender for a present. Unfortunalely, it isn't wired for DCC. Is there somewhere I can find info on wiring it up? Thanks Tom

-- Tom Osborne (w7why@charter.net), August 03, 2004



I have one of those Bachman 0-6-0's. I intend to put a decoder in it, but it is very low on my priority list. It has been sitting there for several years and will likely wait several more.

I took a quick look at it and it appears to use the same split weight design that Bachmann's GS-4 uses. See my write-up on this locomotive at: http://www.wiringfordcc.com/sbhgs4.htm This write- up will apply to the motor and headlight as well as probably the power pick-ups. Ignore the references to sound.

You will probably have to put the decoder in the tender. This will require many wires to go between the locomotive and tender. This can make the connection between the locomotive and tender "stiff" and prone to derailment. So be sensitive to this problem and try to make sure there is plenty of flexibility between the two. You will probably wan to add weight to the tender to keep it on the track from the stiff connection.

-- Allan Gartner (wire4dcc_admin@comcast.net), August 04, 2004.

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