Office affair - forced to leave the company : LUSENET : Law Of The Workplace : One Thread

I have been with a corporation wor 15 years. I had a office affair many years ago at a work place, we where both married at the time of the affair. I lost my marrage after the wife of my coworker found out and phoned my husband, I was separated in 1991 stayed at the work place but my lover said he was going to leave his wife. I received many phone call over the years from the wife, my job was downsized and duties had changed after a car accident 1997. I was forced by the company to look for employment elsewhere, left company in 2000 and had been in and out of work since. Do I have any legal rights to go after the company or the co worker I had an affair with by the way he is still employed with the company and still with his wife.

Please tell me my rights. Thank you

-- Deborah Burroughs (, February 06, 2005


Is the co-worker you had an affair with your boss or immediate supervisor? If yes sexual harrassment will apply. If not, it still might if you can tie the two together (the Affair and the forced to leave. If they have a legitamite cause to let you go and they gave you one not much you can so. But I would invetigate alittle further, like in makeing sure they downsized like they said. Did you have a disability after your accident? If you did and they continued employment. Did they make accomedations or did they have to. These questions can also be entertained. Hang in there

-- Ruben Beltran (, February 20, 2005.

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