What decoder to use for Bachmann FT ?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

I recently bought a Bachmann 8 wheel drive CB&Q FT new for $11 when I visited my daughter in San Diego. I have a Prodigy Advanced system which does not allow analog loco operations. I know Bachmann now makes the FT with the decoder installed, but this was SUCH a bargain. So to my question. Anybody know what decoder to use (I prefer Digitrax), and any tips on installation? I searched Google and only found answers on factory installed decoders in the Bachmann FT.

-- Jeff Ringold (maxgee1212@cfl.rr.com), February 23, 2005



The DH163D should do the trick. Here is the link to the Digitrax page so that you can check it out. Just make sure it can fit.


The DH123D should also work. It has a few less features.


-- Allan Gartner (wire4dcc_admin@comcast.net), February 23, 2005.

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