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Behavior Threads
in the
Maine Coon Cats question and answer forum
Our Siamese mix hisses at new MC baby
MC goes crazy over smell of bleach
Cat wont use Little box, ( all the time)
Bad habits/traits??
"indoor" MC whant to go out - what do we do.
Feral Maine Coon
Are M.Coons less likely to pee inside than other breeds?
appreciates this site
Does the Maine Coon shed a great deal
Odd behavior in spayed kitten?
Any other confirmed tap-drinkers out there?
MC's bonding with each other instead of me?
Clawing furniture
walking your Maine Coon
Licking and Chewing on clear plastic wrap
Playing with Water
MC mix loves tomato sauce
My cat grooms me
Marking corners
Strange behavior
Funny behavior
Affection or psycotic?
Another one?
litter training
I have two 12 week Maine Coones
Frothing at the mouth
Is my cat depressed?
Dominant Behavior
Pawing smooth surfaces
eats anything
Getting another cat
Personality characteristics
Unusual climbing toys - ropes, boards, tree limbs?
Bathroom habits
Intro to new kitty
How so you get your cat to sleep in?
Lazy Boy!
up all night?
"Nursing" Behavior
liter training
My MC is a cry baby!
urintating problem part II
urinating problem
hair affinity!
Chew toys for cats?
How old should a kitten be at placement in new home?
trauma at the vet
water play
personality traits
Characteristic Behavior of Maine Coon Cats
My Maine Coon is an acrobat!!!
My cat litter outside the litter box
strange behavior for spayed female
Could kitten pick up bad habits of older cat?
Listening Skills
keeping cats off chairs :>)
fetching and retrieving
Does Picasso need a friend?
Why does my Maine Coon attack?
using the toilet for a litterbox
Outside of the Litter Box
Outside the litter box
cat being nasty at times
Spaying a one and a half year female
Bringing our new baby home
Why does she bite?
Maine Coon "type" panics in the car
chewing tails
My Maine Coon plays "Fetch"
female MC licks us and is persistent!!
Why is my Maine Coon so scared?
Aggressive Maine Coon
MC kitten doesn't clean himself well after using litterbox
Maine Coon jumps into refrigerator
Will mc ever be a pet
Kitty Spazzes Out After Using the Litter Box
Agressive MC after being spayed
Are male cats more loving than female cats?
fun in the litterbox
My poor Ari
Whisker biting
Talking Early in Morning
Maine Coon Opens Doors
hind feet ticklish?
Unusual scratching behavior
Bad Behavior
Quiet Breed???
Coon 'Personality'
MC feeding & litterbox questions
MC has change in heart
Maine Coon type cat acting odd
Neurotic Maine
Won't use litter box
Carries Stuffed Animals
Maine Coon that scoots
Strange Appetite
Bigger Box?
Digs While Drinks
My "Maine Coon Type" cat is a head bumper
Fraidy cat!
Cat not too affectionate
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